Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'm a Momma

Wiley James was born Monday November 23rd at 8:52pm and weighed 9lbs 4oz! I went to the hospital to be induced on Sunday at midnight. Things were going pretty slow at first but once I got to 5cm things picked up quickly. I went from 5cm to 10cm in about an hour and 1.5 hours later Wiley was born!! I feel in love instantly! Being a momma is the greatest blessing in the whole world. Right now i get to be home with him everyday and I couldn't be happier. Getting to watch him grow is wonderful...I don't want to miss a thing! Wy is 2 weeks old now and he's doing great. At his first visit to the peditrician he was up to 9lbs 5.4oz...he was 8lb 13oz when he left the hospital. He usually only cries when he's hungry and sleeps pretty well at night. So pretty much he is a perfect baby and I love him more than words can describe. All the discomforts of my pregnancy was worth everybit and I would do it again in a heartbeat!

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