Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I'm so glad Wiley has started having solids for breakfast, lunch and dinner! It has made a huge difference in his feedings. He went from 4oz of formula every 2hrs to 4-5 feedings a day and the last two nights he has slept through the night, which means more sleep for me...knock on wood! I hope that he feels better now too because before I felt like he never got full from just having formula. Everything still goes right to his mouth if it's within reach. I have to keep a bib on him constantly because of the drool and he chews on it all the time. I will say that feeding him solids is a messy job...food ends up everywhere!

Sunday will be Wiley's first Easter and I'm so excited! I'm still thinking of how we're going to spend the day but I know we will have fun whatever we decide to do. This is going to be such a great year with our little boy...I love experiencing all of his "firsts" and there are so many to come!

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