Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wiley's first Christmas...

Well we had a wonderful first Christmas with our little boy! He recieved lots and lots of nice gifts from family and friends. I look forward to next Christmas too because he will be able to open his gifts and we get to play Santa!! I can't wait to be able play Santa because the older I've gotten Christmas has kinda lost it's luster. I remember as a kid and being excited for weeks waiting on Christmas to come. The sleepless Christmas Eve night and getting up at 5 am to open presents. I know that the holidays are most importantly spent with family just visiting and counting our blessing but seeing what Santa left you is right up there. So being able to give that to my child is going to be tons of fun!! But we still enjoyed spending time with relatives (especially the ones we don't see often) and they all loved getting to see Wiley!! Year 2009 was a spectacular year for me and Justin and I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for us! Now that we have a son it seems like everyday is a blessing and even a bad day isn't as bad as it used to be. Looking at him and seeing his little face just makes me smile!

Align Center

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'm a Momma

Wiley James was born Monday November 23rd at 8:52pm and weighed 9lbs 4oz! I went to the hospital to be induced on Sunday at midnight. Things were going pretty slow at first but once I got to 5cm things picked up quickly. I went from 5cm to 10cm in about an hour and 1.5 hours later Wiley was born!! I feel in love instantly! Being a momma is the greatest blessing in the whole world. Right now i get to be home with him everyday and I couldn't be happier. Getting to watch him grow is wonderful...I don't want to miss a thing! Wy is 2 weeks old now and he's doing great. At his first visit to the peditrician he was up to 9lbs 5.4oz...he was 8lb 13oz when he left the hospital. He usually only cries when he's hungry and sleeps pretty well at night. So pretty much he is a perfect baby and I love him more than words can describe. All the discomforts of my pregnancy was worth everybit and I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Friday, October 16, 2009

This is Justin - the manly man of the family!! The pater familius!!! I am so happy for my wife and my son. My outlook on children has changed so much now that I know I am going to be a dad soon. Every time I see a little boy and his dad it makes me feel a joy I never felt before. I absolutely can't wait to meet my son!! My favorite part will be teaching him about the world around him and molding him into a man.

I can't wait to show him the stars and moon like my dad showed me, and teach him about all the different trees and rocks and critters and airplanes and trucks...and hopefully guns!!

I am anxious to find out what his interests will be; whatever they are, I will provide him everything he needs to feed those interests and cultivate his knowledge. I will always encourage creativity, because I believe that creative people become good problem solvers, and good problem solvers are very productive people in this world.

Maybe one day I could have a Paulk and Son contracting business!!

Tick Tock feels like I have been pregnant forever but I'm down to about 5 weeks to go! My body is so exhausted and I totally realize that I took advantage of a good nights sleep before pregnancy. I know that once Wiley gets here all this will be well worth it and that's what keeps me from just breaking down. I can't wait to meet my son and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed when I really start to think about being a mom but at the same time I'm so ready!! I can't wait for the 2 a.m. feedings and dirty diapers...seriously, I'm ready!! I had the 3d ultrasound done and I still can't really tell who he looks like more but I dream of that moment when our eyes meet for the first time. That moment when we finally get to see what our son looks like and get to hear that first cry that all parents anticipate. The ultrasound did show us that he doesn't have a cleft lip/pallet which I was worried he would get from me but as far as we can tell he's ok! I had my baby shower a couple weekends ago and Wiley got so many cute outfits and other accessories I know will come in handy! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that care about us and our son. Also as of my last visit Wy was measuring 2 weeks ahead and at 31 weeks his guesstimate weight was 5lbs 5oz. That was 2 weeks ago so I'm sure he's 6 1/2lbs by now which kinda scares me because I'm terrified of have a 9lb baby! I've got a handle on the gestational diabetes so hopefully he will slow down on putting on the pounds. The dr wants me to go to at least 39 weeks so I think he's going to be big by then but I pray not a 9 pounder?! Justin was 8lbs 12oz and 22 1/2" long not to mention a 14 1/2" head...yikes! So keep us all in your prayers that the rest of the pregnancy goes by fast and that I have an easy delivery. Until my next post everyone take care!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

my new family!!!

i am so proud of my family i could scream!!!! hallelujia i am a PAPPY!!!!

justin, ashley, wiley

Busy busy

What a busy day! It began with me having the opportunity to sit in on a meeting with Justin for a residential job they submitted a bid for. I really think they will be awarded the job!! Even though we work for different GC's I'm still extremely proud of Justin and the effort he puts into every project he does. I will always be supportive of him and his career. After that we went and ate at Bonefish...yum! Then after we ate and our bellies were full we went to Babies-R-Us and registered for all of Wiley's neccessities for when he arrives. It was a lot of fun getting to pick out his car seat, stroller, swing...all of the big things we know he's going to need. Now I feel even more anxious for him to get here!! We can't wait to finally meet our baby boy. Tomorrow I will be 26 weeks so we still have 14 more weeks to wait. Something to look forward to is my baby shower in October! I'm really excited to see what all Wiley's family picks out for him from the registery. Once we got home I went online and registered for some more things that we overlooked while at the store. It's easier to get carried away while looking online but what can I say? I'm a first time mom! feels like he's doing summersalts in my belly right now. It's an amazing feeling!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Today was my 24 week dr visit and we finally got to find out that 100% without a doubt we are having a BOY! It took the ultrasound tech 4 tries to be able to tell us the sex for sure but today she said there was no doubt it's a boy! What a relief! I hated having to tell people we are having a boy and follow it by saying "I hope" or "we think so." Now we just get to enjoy knowing that we are going to have a son. We're excited beyond words. We got to see him trying to put his hand in his mouth...too adorable! My next appointment is the gluocse test and then the appointment after that I'm getting the 3d ultrasound! I can't wait for that but I have 10 weeks to go. The only good thing is that he will be here 6 weeks after that!! I pray that these last four months go by really fast but I will be enjoying my life as I know it b/c I know once he arrives our lives will never be the same! God is GREAT!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's been a while

It's been a while since I have posted anything to this blog but I suppose I need to do better at keeping it up to date. As of today I'm 23 weeks and 3 days pregnant with our baby boy Wiley! He is actually measuring a week ahead so he's really at 24 weeks! We're so excited to become parents and it seems we talk about him more and more everyday. He's already a big part of our lives and he's not even here yet. But we can't wait until he is that's for sure! I've had a pretty easy pregnancy considering I didn't have any morning sickness but I have started having a lot of pain in my back and ribs. I wonder how it's going to feel when he's 6-8 lbs in there kicking around?! Yikes! Well, I hope to keep up with this blog from here on out but we'll see how it goes. Until then I will be taking care of our youngin' waiting on his arrival in 4 months!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just a little update...

Today I had more blood drawn so the nurse could check my levels to make sure they were rising like they are supposed to. She called back and said that they are looking beautiful!! I don't have to go back until my first appointment in April, that's when I actually get to see my doctor and have my first ultrasound. I'm so excited...I will be counting down the days!! In the mean time I will be stalking Babycenter and learning all about the baby's developments week by week, picking out names and just being in pure bliss that I am finally going to be a mom!

Friday, March 27, 2009

It's Official

Today was first visit to my OB for my test to verify that I am indeed pregnant! So...Yes, I am officially pregnant with my first baby...YIPPIE! I am roughly around 4 weeks and a few days with a due date of November 29th. It's crazy thinking that I am finally going to be momma. After a while of trying and getting too stressed out about the whole thing we actually decided we were going to wait a while but thank goodness God has other plans! There's not too much to tell yet just that we are so excited and to be honest a little nervous but I think that's normal! Stay tuned for further updates...